They are truly a disgrace.
They won't escape the UK independent inquiry into child abuse though.
after a number of high profile cases where both children and survivors clearly weren't adequately protected, the charity commission here in the uk launched an investigation into the wbts as a whole here in britain.
the main concerns are around the child safeguarding policies being inadequate.
wbts have fought every step of the way so far.. wbts have been to the high court, who told them to complain to the proper tribunal.. wbts have been to the proper tribunal, who told them that too darn right there were suitable grounds for the charity commission to want to investigate their inability to protect children.. and now the wbts have gone back to the court of appeal to demand that the charity commission inquiry be halted.. i hope the court of appeal tells them that, yes, they too need to have proper safeguarding measures for children and to get on with co-operating with the investigation..
They are truly a disgrace.
They won't escape the UK independent inquiry into child abuse though.
a source tells me the following: .
for shropshire uk by the name of anthony manning has been removed and judicially reproved.
portishead congregation in north somerset is being merged or disbanded on sept 1st 2015 due to "aging elders, poor attendance, decrepit kingdom hall and landslip" - of course the suspicion is wt just wants to sell the hall off.
What's a tonester?
A nickname for someone called Tony/Anthony.
christmas means nothing to me.
i have no abiding, cosy, childhood memories of it.. i don't buy presents or cards....i have to be reminded.. i feel a bit weird.
people are celebrating and saying: 'i'm feeling christmassy.'.
i am sorry i haven't replied and if it seems rude.
but people keep asking me what happened and i am not sure what to say.
thanks for writing anyway.
i found this to be a thought-provoking film on the trend in higher education.. oubliette drew my attention to a brilliant article recently called "the coddling of the american mind".
please have a look at the film, click the link and check out the links in the article.
i would love to hear your thoughts.. ...
despite claims to the contrary, there's no guarantee the watchtower will be around in a few decades time.
and it seems to me there's ever mounting evidence that the opposite may well be true.
but it's not just that recruitment is down and their defectors are up.
a guy on youtube who got popular spouting ideas on social and political issues, molyneux gained additional notoriety when he started encouraging people to cut off their natural families.
some followers took his advice seriously, and mums crying about the consequences have gone to the media to tell their story.
it's interesting how this resembles and also differs from jw shunning.
i've found it interesting that- imho- most of the politically vocal ex-jw's at this website seem to lean left.
i'm personally pretty centered- right on some issues, left on others, but overall have a pretty cynical view of all political/religious leaders.
i find it somewhat ironic that people who leave such a dogmatic group like the witnesses become so politically dogmatic.
hi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
Baptised and active 22 years.
i would like to see a unified effort from those that have defected.
certainly there are exceptional, very legitimate, detailed experiences from a few.
what about the regulars that chose to leave?
Are you familiar with the No True Scotsman fallacy Wirerider?
The "no true Scotsman" fallacy is certainly alive and kicking when it comes to Islamic extremism.